I am not the kind of person who publicly talks to people about what I'm eating or how and when I'm exercising. In fact, I had been a fairly consistent Weight Watcher since college who was reluctant to even admit that I was a member...there was a sense of shame in it, rather than pride. Looking back, that really sucks. There was a huge part of me that was ashamed to admit that I was working towards making positive changes in my life. How crazy is that? Now, it's a different story. I'm not exactly shouting from the roof tops or filling your newsfeeds with my workout updates (unless you're part of my FB challenge groups), but I am not shying away from discussing the legitimate fact that I am working hard to change my habits and my body. There is also not an ounce of shame in what I am doing, instead I am proud, and that is one dramatic change from who I used to be. To use Weight Watchers' old adage, "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change." I finally get that now.
Let's talk food. As I mentioned, this all started when I happened upon the 5-day Clean Eating Challenge after spending a day on Pinterest learning all the web has to teach about raised bed gardening, and from there the tides turned. I have made a conscious effort to eat intentionally in an effort to fuel, and not just fill, my body. What can I put into it that will help me get the most out of it? So, I have been working hard to eliminate chemicals and additives by being extremely selective in the products I buy. Before I would read the labels and go immediately to the nutrition facts...fat, fiber, carbs. Now it's the ingredients. As Michael Pollan taught me, if my 3rd grader can't pronounce it, I'm not going to eat it. It has wiped out a LOT of old favorites and convenience foods. Take tacos for example, that little seasoning packet? The first ingredient? Maltodextrin. And it also contains a bit of Silicon Dioxide and Ethoxyquin. Sounds delicious, right? Pollan also asserts that if you can't think of where you'd buy it in it's natural form, then it's probably not a good idea to eat it. His rules are simple, so I've worked to adopt many of them.
I'm also working to avoid added sugars and with the exception of occasional meals, I've almost completely eliminated bread. Don't worry, Jimmy John's we can still hang out, just much less frequently. Oh, Wheat Thins, I still love you, but what's with the added sugar? Sugar in my crackers? Until that's gone it's Triscuits for me (wheat, oil, salt). I've also made a real effort to start buying some organic and local produce. There's this list called the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen which lists the most and least pesticide treated produce, and wouldn't you know it, most of what I eat comes from the 'dirty' side: apples, strawberries, grapes, spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, cherry tomatoes and summer squash. Since I'm doing most of my shopping at Jewel, several organic options available but are limited; however, I'm consistently picking up organic strawberries, cucumbers, peppers and grapes, but I'm not sure how long I'll stick with the because the last batch I grabbed were so expensive that I literally gasped in the checkout line.
Despite the dent the groceries are having on my bank account, I know it's worth it. Every bit of it. I'm excited that I'm now aware and conscious about the choices that I'm making. Don't get me wrong, I still eat an Oreo here and there (and I don't need an ingredient list to know that they are made of a chemical concoction), and I am seriously craving a Vienna Beef hot dog right now. I know that my life is going to include those things, but being consistent in my healthy choices leads me to having the option of occasional indulgences...I like that much better than random fruits and veggies with my french fries.
Speaking of veggies, here's a photo of the garden box that Kevin built for me. We spent the majority of last week prepping the garden bed for plants, and I'm most excited to say that all but 3 of the plants in the garden were purchased at the local farmer's market. Faithy was super-impressed at what we got for $20, and she loved that he threw in the purple basil for free, "Free, Mom. Free?" I'm excited to see what this little garden yields, and I am excited to show my kids that food doesn't just come from the store.
I know that there are many more food-based improvements to be made, but for now I am proud of having increased my real food intake while almost eliminating chemical-filled food from my diet. Diet soda, light, low-fat, fat free items? Gone. I've also changed my lunches so that they are almost always meatless, and I try to skip meat with dinner 1-2 times per week. With the exception of my daily Shakeology breakfast smoothie and occasional morning coffee with half and half, exactly zero of my calories are coming from my beverages. I can safely say that my weekday meals are 100% clean for breakfast and lunch...a dramatic change from who I used to be! Weekends obviously lead to more challenges, but I approach them with thoughtfulness that I haven't had in the past. How's that for making changes. :)
From food to fitness...click here to learn about what 60 days did to my perspective on fitness.
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