Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camera Crazy

As I said in my last post, we finally bought our new camera.  So, now it's up to me to learn how to use it.  I'm patiently waiting for another photography class groupon, but until then I'm reading up on my Pioneer Woman Photography and fiddling with Picasa.  I've been taking pictures of everything in sight: flowers, dinner, clouds, family, puppies, dessert, even a few of my cluttered counter tops.  Yesterday, I even took photos of the kids pouting in time out...bad, Mom...bad, Mom.

I've got a ton to learn and I'm excited to see where this gigantic camera will lead me.

Here are a few pictures or my favorite subjects that I've edited with Picnic through Picasa.  I've posted the original photo and then edited copy. 

Here is Faithy with her soon-to-be-famous over-the-shoulder smile. She's not wearing her glasses since we're outside playing in the pool. Shhh, don't tell the doctor.

Here is Trouble.  He's got his Bogard brows lowered in an I'm-up-to-no-good position.  As soon as this photo is snapped he promptly picks one of those pretty pink petunias in the background.

Here is Kevin with the kids on Father's Day.  Of course, I force them outside for a photo.  The sun was in their eyes and Connor refused eye contact, but I still adore this picture.  Faith's little lips kissing her Daddy, Connor's mischevious little it.

I'm sure that those with a trained eye, can find a million faults with these pictures, but I'm having fun and learning as I go.  So far, Kev and the kids have been cooperative, and I will continue "sticking that camera" in their faces until they can't take anymore...and then I'll just hide in the bushes and start taking candids.